Thursday, February 4, 2010

About writing and publishing

I have been noticing one unique development in writing and publishing .For any novel to be successful it has to be 80000 words or kids and new adults loose interest and bad for the author.This rule did not apply to Harry Potter.I did not analyse how many words it had for sure those were thick novels.

80000 words are like 200 pages and can be a quick one evening read.That may be one of the reason for the success of j d Salinger.

So in the current market books are marketed at 10 to 20 cents per page and paper backs are at 5cents per page. even the notes are priced at 10 cents per page .Poetry books are priced higher. So today 60 poems would make a book and you can make them more interesting by adding pictures or paintings.

A short story book or a novella can be created by describing an ordinary life lived for 36 hours with some crazy six encounters.You add it up, it comes to 800000 words.
A great editor will help to make it readable and sell able otherwise it will be part of the big heap of also published authors.

After being published even if self published chances of being picked by a known publisher increase.

Or like Salinger one may continue to write for the pleasure of it.It was easy for him his earlier work was selling 250000 copies a year.

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