Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Teacher Glut In RI, Projo.com

In Sundays(11/26/10)Providence Journal Jennifer Jordon has analysed the teacher situation (job) very well.

She writes that we are Graduating 1000 teachers every year from the Teaching programs.
According to her data we graduate 390 elementary education teachers far too many in this specialty to be fully employed .

Much fewer teachers are trained in sciences and math. Physics(3), Chemistry(4), Biology(19), Special education(44), Math (49).

I would deduct from this that our teaching institutions must change their teaching programs to reflect the real need in the field. In Rhode Island 68 percent of teachers have ten year experience and earn at least $54,000.Which is not bad .

One way to Solve this shortage of Science educators would be to pay starting teachers in the fields we have shortage pay equal to two years of seniority.Slots for Elementary educations must be reduced and other teaching specialties must be developed.

With many teachers choosing to work in their seventies budget cuts a lot lesser number of teachers are hired and prospects for new hires seems bleak in non science and math .

I think Universities must adjust their offering for courses according to the need of the times.They should also offer full immersion courses.I mean the courses where they live and breath a subject 15 hours a day for weeks on.

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