Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Why Rhode Island does not have capital punishment.

Bob Herbert's column in NYT "innocent but dead." tells the story of Todd Willingham of Texas who was executed in 2004 by lethal injection for arson in which his two children died .

Some Jail house Snitch was the state witness and an innocent man was executed.It is sad commentary on state of affairs in 21st century America.

When i read this kind of stories i feel proud that our founders of Rhode Island when faced with similar unjustice of executing an innocent man had eliminated the death sentence from our state and it has served us well.We still have large prison population and private prisons .We lack funding for treating our sick and pay for students but can always come up with thity five thousan dollars per year to take care of prisoners.
WHERE is our next Governor who will come and say i will reduce prison population,educate our kids and bring free internet to our community.

We have spend and cry shortage and gutless leaders who neither understand problems nor are willing to find solutions which serves the public good.Voters feel that they have no power and powerful do not want to serve or are not willing to take risk . These times call for new leaders who say what they will do either loose trying or succeed doing.

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