Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel peace prize for what.

Obama is a brilliant man but Nobel peace prize is not for brilliance. He is astute politician,media savvy & articulate leader,may be even consensus builder,but his track record does not show anything worthy of such a prize at this juncture of his life.

He is the first black president of the united states.The oldest democracy (not a black majority nation).Quite an achievement for him, but not reason for Nobel Peace Prize.

Everybody seems to be so demurred by him that they think he can walk on water and deserves even undeserved honors.This clearly is not deserved honor.If unworthy people receive such honors ,it decreases the value of these honor.In recent years financial rewards has helped honorees to live in comfort and promote their agenda.I remember Amaratya Sen promising to use his honorarium for some poverty projects.

Besides for a new president to get such an award can be a check on the presidential power to make war,I hope the situation does not arise where he becomes a nobel peace prize winner who started a war.

So i say Mr President do not cash in this award.You do not need the money ,you are a rich man,give it to a worthy charity and bring some dignity to the folly of the Nobel committee.If i was bestowed similar award(fat chance)i would reject it without much thought.

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